Websites, working like they should.

Your customers are looking for the following.


Phone Number

Bold, clickable, displayed on every page.


Hours of Operation

Customers always check if you’re open.


List of Products / Services

Including photos and pricing of these.


Address Information

With a Google map usable on mobile.


Ratings and Reviews

Social proof produces more sales.


Company Information

Company history and owners bio.

Websites must be mobile friendly.

SimpleStuff builds websites that adjust to mobile devices, making sure ALL your content is still easily view-able and accessible.

  • Google now lists mobile friendly websites higher in search results.
  • Your customers are expecting all websites to be mobile friendly.
  • 70% of mobile searches result in an online action within an hour of the search being conducted.

Websites need to have good UI.

SimpleStuff follows industry standards on how websites should be built, laid out and navigated by users.

  • Users will go to your competitor if they can’t find what they need quickly.
  • Analytics shows that you can produce more sales when laying your content out correctly and using proven techniques.
  • A business’s contact information and products/services need to be easy to find and instantly understandable.

Websites built with the right technology.

SimpleStuff has over 15 years of experience building websites, we know how your website needs to be setup, configured and managed to give you the performance needed.

  • Our websites are built to be hassle freestay up, and take your stress away.
  • We handle all server, data management, and domain name issues for you.
  • All  the software and technology we use are global industry standards, so you’re always getting the latest updates, as part of your package.

Website Package

Our website package consists of 2 parts, the WEBSITE creation, and the yearly SYSTEMS for that website.


server, security, backups
  • Server costs and maintenance. ~ we make sure your site is loading fast, and is always online.
  • Latest security updates applied. ~ security patches come out most months and need to be applied.
  • Weekly website backups. ~ a must in our industry, losing your data isn’t an option for us.
  • 1 NZ domain name. ~ includes 1 free New Zealand domain name or transfer your current one to us to manage for you.

Setup A FREE Meeting Now!

We start every project by meeting our clients face to face to discuss the following points:

  • Your businesses online needs.
  • Timeline to get things up and running.
  • Note: if your website and domain are currently run by different providers, we can transfer and combine them into our service. This is the case for many of our clients that already had websites.

Call: 021 2 746 753


Client Testimonials

We pride ourselves on our work and the experience we bring to our clients.


Diverse Panel NZ

“SimpleStuff managed the whole process, creating the perfect website for my business, as well as bringing new clients via their marketing.”

5 Star Review

Pro Switch Electrical

“My online stress is gone, before I worried if things were working, or if I was missing out, now I'm able to focus on my business knowing it’s all managed!”

5 Star Review


“I’ve been using SimpleStuff for years, and couldn't be happier with my experience! Easy to work with, and always solving my requests quickly.”

5 Star Review